Tag Archives: allergies

Good Things Thursday IV: Not dead!

Well, here we are. It’s (technically) Thursday, and I’m posting Good Things after a sabbatical of two months. Whew. That’s a hefty break. However: We now resume our previously scheduled programming. We’ll pick up counting in Greek.

Edeka.11: As stated above, the best Good Thing about this particular Thursday is that I am not dead and have, in fact, decided to start blogging again. Included in this Good Thing is: A) Precious laptop fixed (Did you know there’s no Apple store in Thailand? Well, there isn’t. Not even Bangkok.), and B) Moved back to the US.

What? you may be asking. I thought you lived in Thailand… and liked it there and stuff? Isn’t this a travel blog?

To answer those in order:

  1. I moved back to the US. San Francisco, specifically; I’m crashing with my brother while I find a job and a place to live.
  2. I did. Then I moved back.
  3. I love Thailand. It’s not like I’ll never go back. It was just time to come home.
  4. No.

Moving on…

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Filed under Food, Glorious Food, It's My Party, Not So Serious, Travel